The essays below narrate the history of places, people, events, and movements on the campuses of George Mason University and Old Dominion University. Many of the essays examine similar spaces on each campus, such as student housing, social spaces, and athletic facilities. These narratives explore campus history stories using multimedia source material, including digitized archival material, historical images, and audio clips of oral history interviews. One of our project’s goals was to put archival sources in conversation with digital interactive maps. To that end, alongside the narration and sources, each essay includes an interactive map that allows the reader to visualize the spatial dimensions of the story.
As you read each essay, click on the underlined text to navigate to that place on the map.

Home Away from Home: An Early History of Residential Life at Old Dominion University
by Anna Woloshin
History of Old Dominion’s first three campus residence halls.
Old Dominion University

Monarch Way of Life: A Brief History of Social Spaces at Old Dominion University
by Anna Woloshin
History of three social gathering spots at Old Dominion University.
Old Dominion University

Taking a Stand: Student Protests at Old Dominion University
by Anna Woloshin
Examples of student protests at Old Dominion University in the 1960s and 1970s.
Old Dominion University

Mason Day: George Mason's Longest Tradition
by Catalina Mayer
The origins and development of George Mason University's longest campus tradition, Mason Day.
George Mason University

SUB 1, the Student Union Building: Expansion of Student Spaces on the George Mason Campus
by Catalina Mayer
In 1972, Mason built the Student Union Building, now known as SUB 1, to address the lack of student recreational spaces on campus.
George Mason University

The Perkins and Will Student Apartments at George Mason
by Catalina Mayer
Student housing built in the 1970s transforms George Mason from a commuter college to a traditional campus.
George Mason University

A Legacy of Student Protest at George Mason University
by Joseph Moore
An exploration of George Mason University’s integral relationship with protesting throughout its history.
George Mason University

An Inside Look at the History of George Mason's Arena
by Joseph Moore
Internal university documents reveal a comprehensive timeline of the construction of George Mason's arena.
George Mason University

Lorraine Brown: A Feminist Founder of George Mason
by Laura Brannan Fretwell
A lesser known history of one of Mason's "feminist founders" and her campus activism in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
George Mason University

Mock 'Slave Sale' Fundraisers at Mason and Old Dominion
by Laura Brannan Fretwell
In the 1960s and early 1970s, students at both GMC and ODC organized offensive mock “slave sale” public fundraising events that were highly visible and common throughout both campuses and other institutions throughout Virginia and the United States.
George Mason University

Parking Lots and Protests: The Mallory House Incident in 1971
by Laura Brannan Fretwell
One night in 1971, a conflict between a Mason student and staff member in a parking lot bordering campus revealed larger political issues in the United States around censorship, abortion rights, and university politics.
George Mason University

For the Children: A Brief History of Child Care at Old Dominion University
by Steven Bookman
Early women's history and the development of day care at Old Dominion University.
Old Dominion University

Monarch Madness: A Brief History of Athletic Sites at Old Dominion University
by Steven Bookman
A history of athletics at Old Dominion University as seen through its early stadium, gymnasiums, and other athletic facilities.
Old Dominion University

Location, Location, Location: The Founding and Site Selection for Old Dominion University
by Steven Bookman
In 1930, Old Dominion University was founded and a site was chosen for its first buildings.
Old Dominion University